On your first visit, a complete orthodontic evaluation will be performed. You will receive answers to all your questions related to your condition or that of your child and, if treatment is required, you will be informed of all possible options. Please note that it is not necessary to be referred by a health care professional to obtain a consultation appointment.

Dr. Quintin will start by asking you about your concerns, whether they are pertaining to your smile or the condition of your mouth, while taking in consideration the state of your general health and oral health. Afterwards, he will proceed to a complete orthodontic examination and then provide answers to all essential questions:

- Is there a problem of an orthodontic nature?
- Is it necessary to correct it and why?
If need be:
- When is the best moment to begin the treatment?
- What are the methods that can be used to carry out the orthodontic correction?
- How long will the treatment last?
- How much will it cost and what are the available payment options?

You will also have the opportunity to ask any other question that you deem necessary. Documents will be given to you at the end of the appointment, including a copy of the estimate of the treatment cost for you to keep and one to send to your insurance company. Afterwards, Dr. Quintin will also send a written report to your dentist.

Telecharger le Questionnaire Medico-Dentaire

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