A Customized Approach and Modern Treatment Options
When an orthodontic correction is required, Dr. Olivier Quintin creates a treatment plan which addresses your needs while taking into account your condition as well as your concerns and expectations. If different approaches are possible in your case, he will present all valid options, including those using state-of-the-art orthodontic appliances which are almost invisible and techniques which increase treatment speed and comfort. This way, you will be able to obtain a unique smile in a fashion that is best suited to you!
Clear Explanations throughout the Treatment
At the initial consultation and at every appointment during the treatment, you will receive clear explanations. Therefore, you will be in a position to properly understand your initial condition as well as the proposed treatment, and then to follow its progression. You will also be able to ask questions at any time.
Highest Quality Care in a Friendly Atmosphere
Throughout the treatment, Dr. Quintin rigorously controls every step in order to ensure optimal progression in tooth movement and evaluate changes in facial and oral structures. Beyond our high quality of care, we want to ensure that your experience is always pleasant by providing that care in a warm atmosphere and by constantly putting your comfort first.
We Know Your Time Is Precious
In order to obtain excellent treatment outcomes in reasonable time frames, Dr. Quintin uses the most efficient orthodontic appliances and techniques. Moreover, we respect the scheduled appointment times and show flexibility when booking appointments, which allow our patients to avoid missing school or work for the majority of their visits to our office.
Long-Lasting Results
It is normal for you to expect your beautiful new smile or that of your child to stay the same in the long term after treatment. Stability of the final result is a priority for us, so rest assured that everything is put in place to minimize the risk of relapse and ensure that all of our patients’ smiles stay magnificent for a long time.
Flexible Payment Options
In order to make orthodontic care accessible to all our patients, we show flexibility when establishing financial agreements. Among other possibilities, we offer interest-free financing and payment by postdated checks or credit cards. Other options are also available, so feel free to ask us about them during your consultation appointment.